Italiassa oppilailla on myos lauantaisin koulua, mutta heidan koulupaivansa ovat lyhyempia. Emme ole nahneet italialaisten todellista arkea, silla heilla ei ole oppitunteja meidan taalla ollessa. Naiden neljan paivan aikana olemme olleet vapaa-ajallamme kavereidemme kanssa, kayneet pitsalla ja jatksilla, seka hengailleet puistoissa ja muualla ulkona. Meilla ei ole ollut paljon vapaa-aikaa, silla meilla on ollut retkia melkein joka paiva ja olemme tulleet kotiin todella myohaan. Tanaan kiersimme Imolan nahtavyyksia ja tassa taman paivan retkestamme hieman tietoa englanniksi.
Today we visited Imola's landmarks. First we went to Palazzo Tozzoni which was a very beautiful building where rich people have lived many years ago. There were a lot of fantastic old furniture and paintings. After that we went to see Rocca. It is like an old castle. We climbed to the tower of the castle in which we saw great views. In the afternoon we travelled to Marconi's museum. There we heard about his inventions. We had a lot of fun during the day! Sun was shining all day long! :) -Sesilia, Riia & Paula
Palazzo Tozzoni |
Rocca |
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